UPDATE: Women-owned small businesses victorious in U.S. District Court; Numbers are on the rise
A Census Bureau study released today found that women-owned businesses grew 20 percent from 1997 to 2002. During that period, women-owned businesses grew at twice the national rate for all private companies and also outpaced the growth of firms owned by men. The report comes as the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce (USWCC) is celebrating a victory for women-owned small businesses around the country. In a case we have been following, the U.S. District Court recently ruled that the Small Business Administration had been “unreasonably” delaying the implementation of the Women’s Procurement Program, resulting in the loss of “billions of dollars in opportunities every year” for women business owners, according to USWCC CEO Margot Dorfman.
Full Article:
Women-Owned Businesses Grew at Twice the National Average, Census Bureau Reports