UPDATE: HHS Hatchet Job on Comprehensive Sexuality Education Deceptive and Politically Motivated
“Today, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report attacking comprehensive sex education programs.” Eight programs were evaluated—7 revealed the positive impact of condom usage, and 2 revealed the positive impact of delaying sexual initiation. Most importantly, the report revealed that the information presented in the comprehensive sex education curricula is nearly 100% scientifically accurate and effective, despite the report’s original intent to discredit comprehensive sex education programs. The report, however, claims that these curricula do not provide sufficient emphasis on abstinence because the word ‘abstinence’ is used fewer times throughout the report than words like ‘condom’ and ‘contraception’. Martha Kempner, Vice President for Information at the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), pointed out that counting words is not a reliable measure of what messages the students are actually learning.
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HHS Hatchet Job on Comprehensive Sexuality Education Deceptive and Politically Motivated